StarForge Review

Starforge is a multiplayer FPS block building and defense game developed by Codehatch. So far, the main thing that is available to do in Starforge is to defend a structure from enemies, and you are given supplies and guns to make that possible. You will be spending time between waves collecting different types of materials to build walls and turrets, or opening crates to find newer and more powerful guns to use on your enemies.

All of this can also be done in multiplayer with other people, which requires someone to set a server up on their side and everyone else connecting to their IP address, since there currently aren’t any official servers to play on. In general, you could loosely say that the game plays like Minecraft, except for the whole idea of being able to shoot with guns and driving cars. A recent update to the alpha includes a day and night cycle, vehicles, grenades and flashlight, as well as optimizing the game a ton so it will run better even at the highest settings, since before it felt as if it suffered from a major memory leak. Another update has come out, this time introducing the infinite terrain map which will generate a new map that goes on forever every time that you start it up. There are also currently weather effects on this new map.

There isn’t a whole lot in the way of options, and the main ones that you will be able to change are graphics and key bindings through the Unity engine launcher. Even so, you can’t greatly customize the graphics, since you can only select the screen resolution and the actual graphical quality ranges from settings like “fast” and “fantastic”. You are able to select whether you want to play in windowed or full screen mode though.

Eventually StarForge will allow you to mine and transform the terrain, ride in vehicles of different kinds, build and play in space above the planet without loading screens, and a survival mode where you have to explore to gather resources while building a base of operations all the while enemies are trying to kill you. This is just all that is hinted to come, there is sure to be more as the development process goes on.

Starforge is very much in alpha stage, so if you decide to buy it don’t expect there to be a lot of content. It is currently 20 dollars on Steam or the main Starforge website, but when the game is finally released it’s price will double to 40 so it is best to buy now. There is also an option to pay 75 dollars to join the founders club, which comes with a fair amount of exclusive cosmetic options only available to founders, such as unique tilesets, helmet and tools, and your name added into the founder list. So if the game sounds interesting with the few features that are currently available, or if you just want to support the development so all features can eventually be implemented, it is worth buying StarForge.

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