Warframe Review

Warframe is a free to play third person shooter online 4 player co-op that is currently in open beta available on Steam. You and 3 others will help each other on randomly generated levels by killing enemies and completing the objectives, which range from collecting or destroying things, rescuing or capturing people, or assassinating important npcs as well as ongoing defense missions. Completing levels earn you experience for your equipment, money to buy stuff, and shows you all the mods that you collected throughout the level, as well as any special items that you might have earned.

There are no classes in Warframe, just the different Warframes that you can equip. By owning more than one Warframe, you can switch between them whenever you want when out of levels. This means that you can eventually own every Warframe, and not be limited to the first one you pick at the beginning, unlike most games that involve classes. The same thing applies to weapons, there are tons of guns and melee items. Just like Warframes, you level up each individual weapon to make them stronger. Warframes have a wide variety of abilities, such as being able to turn invincible for a set amount of time to fully healing your entire team! You can equip 3 weapons, which are your rifle, pistol, and melee.

Mods will drop on levels and with them you can customize all of your equipment the way that you want. Each level that you have earned on a piece of equipment gives you a point, which you can use to equip a mod on it. If you have a level 5 mod, your equipment needs to be at least level 5 to put it on. Mods range from increasing damage, increasing health, increasing other stats, etc… all the way to allowing your Warframes to use their 4 abilities during games. Over time you will accumulate tons of mods, and luckily you are able to combine them through fusion to make them stronger, which in turn increases the amount of equipment points they use up.

There isn’t too much of an endgame, other than trying to get all the different kinds of Warframes and Weapons. Level wise, the last area has fairly strong enemies and the randomly generated alert missions can sometimes let you fight against the earlier bosses at max level.

Warframe has a surprisingly small install size of around 1.5 GB, most likely thanks to the fact that all levels are randomly generated. Graphics are fairly nice and runs well on lower end computers, as long as you turn some settings down. Just be sure to lower or disable bloom and other similar effects since they tend to make you go blind when in the heat of battle. The options menu has everything thing that you would want in a computer game, from graphical options to volume sliders, to FOV slider to fully rebindable keys, there isn’t much of anything to complain about.

Overall, the only negatives that the game has are that it can take a LONG time to collect everything that is available in the game without buying anything with real money, and even if you did want to buy stuff that simply makes the game shorter. The female announcer that you hear all the time during games can get annoying at times, since she repeats and says things that you’ve already heard a million times already, though for the most part the info that she relays to you can help you survive especially when a big enemy force is on their way to counter you.

For the most part, if you are with 3 other people every level is pretty easy. Even if it ever feels like the game is getting too hard, you can always return to older levels to get experience and additional mods to make yourself stronger. Warframe levels generally last 10 to 20 minutes, so anyone that wants to jump in and do a few quick games easily can. Defense missions are probably the only levels that could last longer because they technically can’t end.

Warframe can be played alone easily, as well as using weaker equipment, for people that like a challenge. You will be the only target for the enemies and defense missions are easy to get overwhelmed on if you are alone. There are also a few bosses in the game that require more than just pointing and shooting, which will give some people the most enjoyment. There are a fair amount of things in Warframe to unlock and collect, but it all pretty much just comes down to farming and grinding. You can collect all the warframes from the different bosses but you only get the blueprints and you will have to make them yourself later on. Unless you’re rich, anyone with a lot of time can easily collect every item in the game.

Warframe is free, although there are a number of items that you can buy with real money to enhance your playing experience. It is by no means a pay to win game because there isn’t any PVP involved, and even the worst weapons can get a lot of kills with the correct mods . They range from money and experience boosts, colors to customize your characters and weapons with, weapons and different warframes. Sadly, nothing is really worth buying since the weapons and Warframes can cost between 10 and 20 dollars each, and every item that you do buy actually decreases the enjoyment of the game, since the goal of the game is to kill stuff and collect all the different types of equipment. Buying everything just means there is nothing to play towards and getting.

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