Prime World Review

Prime World is a free to play MOBA developed by Nival. There are a total of 32 heroes for you to choose from, along with 5 roles that they all correspond to. Supports aren’t very strong but have very powerful abilities that can help their team. Protectors have a lot of health and defense and will try to get the enemy to attack them instead of their own team. Vanguards are also very sturdy, but they focus more so on shutting down key targets while staying alive. Slayers are very strong offensively but have to be smart when they go in for the kill. Fighters can easily stay in combat and will be doing the most damage to the other team.

Two factions exist within Prime World, the Imperium and Keepers. The heroes available on each side are exactly the same except for what they are called and what they look like, though there are one or two on each side that actually do slightly differ from one another. They will always play on the same side of the map and will always be matched against each other.

There is a single player aspect to Prime World that lets you manage your castle. You can build different buildings and establishments in your castle that will let you gather resources, rest your heroes from battle, and earn you silver over time. The castle is also where you manage all of your heroes and lets you set up battles or randomly join other people in one. There will also be quests that you can complete while you are at your castle, and these generally just require you to either build certain buildings or win a certain number of games, but sometimes they will also send you to solo maps that have a story line in them.

Every hero has a talent area that lets you customize many aspects of them. Their default abilities that define their role can’t be changed, but everything else from passive stats to additional abilities can be. Earning Prime during battle, which is your currency and experience, lets you apply it to your talent window to grant you these talents to your hero. Talents also have a power level, which will increase all your stats according to how much power the talent is worth. In a way, you can think of the talents as the items you would buy your hero in other MOBAs, since they passive stats and extra abilities.

Other than the basic 5V5 map that you see in most MOBA games, there are a few other modes that you can play as well. Dragonwald involves a dragon in the middle of the map that you must defeat and bring the item that it drops to your enemy’s base. Native land is a lot like the standard mode, except the territory that you own will become even more beneficial to you when you are on it.

The main mode that you will be playing is borderlands, which incorporates the three lane map with 5 players on each side. Each lane will have towers in them with an important building behind the last one which will make the creeps stronger when destroyed. Jungles exist on each side of the river which have enemies in them for you to kill when they are either the best option or you play a hero that can tackle them from the beginning. The river will have two runes available in it at times that you can pick up, boosting you in different ways such as faster movement or stronger attacks. Winning in this mode just requires you to destroy the main building in the other team’s base.

In the standard 5V5 map, there is a minigame that you can play that will allow you to create a variety of scrolls that you can send out to your team, such as a healing one. This minigame is very similar to the ZUMA game where you shoot colored balls onto a conveyor belt of colored balls while trying to match colors to get rid of them. Every time you create a scroll, the game becomes harder and you will start to get special abilities to help you with beating them.

Throughout the maps there will be flags to capture that will grant you territory for your team that will come up to that flag. Both teams will have their own territory and there will also be a neutral zone between them. In normal games, territory will cause some of your abilities to be stronger or act differently, and your teleport ability can only transport you to areas that you own. One game mode focuses heavily on territory, where you will gain general stats from simply being on your own land.

Compared to League of Legends and Dota 2, Prime World is a whole lot simpler than both in many ways. There is no need to worry about buying large items in stores, since this is covered through the talent system.

The options menu is very basic, and the graphical settings are just simply low, medium, and high. There is a way to change key settings though, which is always one of the most important settings. Graphics themselves are basic and seem kind of dated, but this type of game isn’t hindered by that fact. There are a few songs in the game and each hero has their own lines to say at times, but they aren’t varied enough and you will hear the same ones a fair amount.

The whole matchmaking system in general could be a whole lot better. Since you choose your hero before even going in to battle, it makes it impossible to coordinate with your team with who is going to play what heroes, and the fact that multiples of the same hero can be on the same team can make for some odd team combinations.

Since you have to choose a faction to play as at the beginning, this in a way divides the community in half and causes a fair amount of problems. There is a way to play against your own faction if there is an oversupply of them, but this requires players to have this option enabled in their settings. Each faction will always play on the same side of the map, and since these maps and camera angles aren’t created equally, this will always mean one faction has the same advantages and disadvantages every round.

If you love the general idea behind MOBAs but have never liked the amount of information you need to learn, Prime World is a good alternative for you. It is a lot simpler than the majority of MOBAs out there. The length of games in Prime World generally last 20-30 minutes, with the few that can be a lot shorter or longer.

Compared to other MOBAs, Prime World has almost no advanced tactics that you can pull off other than simply using your hero correctly. It is a lot simpler in general in all areas, so any hardcore players might want to look elsewhere. There are individual hero levels, your overall levels, and many different types of talents available that will keep you occupied with the game for a long time.

Prime World is free to play with real money purchases in game. You will need to first buy gold for money, which costs about a dollar for 25 gold, and if you buy larger amounts you will receive extra gold as a bonus. Most of everything can be bought for silver that is earned in game, but convenience and outfit items will always require gold to be bought.

The early heroes that you can unlock can’t be bought with gold since they have a cheap silver price tag, but later heroes can range from 4 to 20 dollars. Costumes that you can acquire for heroes can range from just over a dollar to 12 dollars.

Golden age is somewhat of a subscription package that you can buy that will double everything that you earn and you will no longer obtain common talents after being victorious in battle. You can buy 3 days worth for 2 dollars, a week’s worth for 4 dollars, and a whole month’s worth for 12 dollars worth of gold.

There are other miscellaneous purchases that can be made, such as pets that can be put into your castle that will give bonuses permanently all around, and to quickly recharge your heroes so you can get them back into battle.

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus ‘No More Nazis’ Trailer

The Nazis have taken over America. They’ve turned Manhattan into a wasteland. They’ve walled off New Orleans and are systematically purging the city, burning people and homes to the ground. And they brazenly walk the streets of small-town USA – going where they want, taking what they want and behaving however they please. But this is not BJ Blazkowicz’s America. The United States will never be broken – not with BJ on the job, rallying the Resistance and igniting a revolution. Watch the Resistance rise up to strike fear in the Nazis in the latest trailer for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus.

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus releases on October 27, 2017, on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. Winner of more than 100 awards at E3 2017, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus also received four nominations from the official E3 Game Critics Awards (including Best of Show) and won Best Action Game.

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Review

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is an mmorpg with a Final Fantasy theme developed by Square Enix. There are two genders and five races to choose from, which are the hyur(humans), Elezen(elves), Lalafell(small childlike creatures), Miqo’te(cat people), and the Roegadyn(large hulking people). You can fairly customize your character’s appearance, such as height, colors, face, and even voice. After this there are a few roleplaying choices that you can make, such as a birthday and the deity that they worship. Your character’s name requires a first and last name, and if you can’t come up with one you can have one be randomly chosen for you depending on your race.

There are eight classes to start out as in A Realm Reborn, and the nice thing is that this isn’t permanent choice. After playing the game for a little while, it is possible to start the quest at every classes guild and after that you can easily swap to any class you want just by equipping the weapon required by it. Three magic classes, five physical classes, three gathering classes, and eight crafting classes. A lot of classes have abilities that can be shared between another, and even the gathering and crafting classes have these abilities as well.

When you get one class to thirty and the correct secondary class to fifteen, they will combine and allow you to start using a specialized job, such as the paladin job which requires thirty gladiator and fifteen conjurer. These jobs get a slight attribute bonus, their own special abilities only available to them, but a lot less slots to equip cross class abilities learned from other classes.

Crafting in A Realm Reborn is a lot like playing a minigame and you are actually manually crafting an item instead of it doing it automatically. As your crafting classes go up in level, you will acquire more abilities to use that will help you become successful and creating higher quality items. It actually is possible to automatically create items after making one yourself the first time, but this is more risky with a very low chance of getting better quality items.

Instead of just clicking on a rock or tree and automatically getting resources from it, you can choose exactly what you want to get from a particular node and your gear will even determine how successful you are. Just like crafting, gathering classes have skills that you can use while collecting items, such as decreasing the chance of failure and increasing the chance of obtaining higher quality items.

You can expect the usual economy mechanics in A Realm Reborn, mainly with ways to buy and sell items through a market. You can easily see what items are being sold for currently, and even the past sales of items which can all help you with deciding how much is good for an item you’re wanting to buy or sell.

Most enemies you will come across in the game have been in the Final Fantasy world for a long time, such as tonberries, malboros, cactaurs, and bombs. All enemies have a basic attack that they will hit you with, along with either one or two special attacks that project an area on the ground that you need to avoid, or lots of damage and even status effects will be applied to you. Bosses in dungeons act the same way as well but sometimes have unique mechanics, such as summoning additional monsters or instantly killing you with doom if you’re not paying attention. Later on you will fight the primals, which are basically the summons that you have seen in previous Final Fantasy games, such as Ifrit, Garuda, and Titan.

A major difference in the abilities in this game compared to other is that there is a two and a half second global cooldown, instead of the usual one second cooldown found in most other MMOs. However, getting speed stats on your gear will not only let you cast abilities faster, but will also lower the global cooldown as well. A lot of the abilities in the game, especially magic spells, resemble a lot of the spells you’ve seen in many other Final Fantasy Games. You can cast ice, fire, flare, holy, cure, etc… and even the dragoon or lancer classes have the jump ability. A fair amount of the abilities on each class are actually shareable between classes, such as using the cure spell on a paladin.

The quests available will be mostly the same as other MMOs, but there are a lot less of them to complete which shortens the time to get to max level greatly. You can expect the quests that want you to go kill a certain amount of enemies or use an item at a certain spot. Rewards for quests include experience, gil, and a choice of one piece of equipment. A single player story plays out while you complete the quests, and there will even be cutscenes for you to watch. Most dungeons and all end game content requires you to play through the story in order to play through them.

Out in the world of A Realm Reborn you may stumble upon fates, which are randomly appearing world quests that you can complete for a large reward. These generally require you to kill a bunch of enemies that spawn, a boss type of a normal enemy, collecting items and returning them to their owner, or guarding a traveler as they wander through the land.

Existing in a large world, many options of travel will help with cutting down time when you need to move from location to location. The major cities have teleportation points scattered around them and you can use them for free. You can hire chocobo porters to take you to already visited areas out in the world. Later on you can acquire your own chocobo that you can direct wherever you want. The best and fastest way to travel is through the aetheryte system, which will let you teleport to any crystal that you have tagged in the world no matter where you are. This includes a small fee however, which will only seem expensive in the beginning of playing the game. You can however select a total of three points to be your favorites, which will cause the gil fee to be halved. Finally, a home location can be selected where you can teleport to it at any time for free, but you must wait 15 minutes between each time of doing it.

Instead of being called guilds, free companies are groups of players playing with the same goal in mind. They can gain ranks that will gain the whole company bonuses, such as being able to use the guild vault and providing everyone with experience bonuses.

A dungeon finder tool called the duty finder allows you to automatically get put into groups with other people to complete the dungeons and boss fights that require more than one person. Even though you can be every class on one character, you can only queue as one class or job at a time instead of multiple. There is the option of choosing to play with other people on different regions and language servers, such as french or japanese. So far all group content is available through the finder, even large raids.

One of the biggest differences in these dungeons compared to other game is that they require a party of 4 people instead of 5. You will encounter multiple groups of enemies usually in groups of three before each boss. While exploring the dungeons there will be treasure chests hidden around that have the chance to drop good gear. Most will have three bosses in them which sometimes have unique mechanics about them, but most of the time you just need to avoid danger zones. Endgame dungeons will award you with tomestones along with the usual gear, which can be enchanged for some of the best gear in the game.

As of now, the endgame is fairly lacking but is also being actively developed for as well. There are only two real dungeons to play through after you reach the max level of 50 to obtain gear and tomestones. After you obtain some new gear, the next step is to fight the 3 harder versions of single boss fight encounters that you did while playing through the story. When these are defeated, you will finally have access to an actual raid which consists of 5 mini dungeons with bosses in each. A 24 man raid will be available soon in the first major patch.

With A Realm Reborn available on the Playstation 3 as well, both platform versions are actually completely playable together. PC and PS3 users are all playing together without even realizing it. This increases the chance that you will be able to play with friends, since it gives them another option to play the game.

Being Final Fantasy themed and the ability to do everything on one character is pretty much the only big differences between A Realm Reborn and most other major MMOs. For the first few major updates of the game, you will receive them every 3 months at first. You can expect to see new dungeons, new raids, new jobs and classes, as well as completely new mechanics such as PvP and housing.

Other than the large amount of options available in A Realm Reborn that exist in all other MMOs, one unique thing is that you can play it with a controller since it is also designed for the Playstation 3. The graphics aren’t pushing any boundaries, though if you have a fairly good computer you can easily max it out and get good FPS. Texture quality could be better in some cases, since during cutscenes objects can appear ugly when you’re looking closely at them. Except for a select few cases during cutscenes, there is almost no voice acting in the game. You will recognize a lot of familiar songs and sounds from previous Final Fantasy games, such as the victory tune and chocobo riding.

The base game doesn’t feel very well put together, and the restriction of only being able to do one thing at a time gets annoying at times. You can’t talk to NPCs while mounted, your inventory can’t be moved around when you’re doing another action, and other little things just like these. After getting your main class and job to max level, which was easily done with the quests available to you, leveling up additional classes has very few options. Since most, if not all, quests were completed already on your main class, this means the only way to level up anything else is through doing tons of fates and dungeons. Even though you will get a 50% increase in experience to begin with, doing either of these activities over and over can get boring fast.

Dungeons and most bosses found within them all feel mostly the same and can get repetitive quickly. Enemies are almost always in groups of three and they never do anything special other than attack the tank and sometimes use an AoE attack. Most bosses just require you to avoid attacks and rarely have any real unique mechanics of their own, though the ones at the end of dungeons usually do something different than normal.

The end game raids and boss fights are challenging and fun, but the path to get to them could have been a whole lot better. There is only two whole real dungeons to go through at max level to earn currency and gear, which will get boring very fast when similar MMOs have multitudes of dungeons to do at endgame.

There is almost no customization at all when it comes to your character and classes. Attribute points and the sharing of cross job skill do exist, but there is almost never a reason to not build your character the way as everyone else. There are few sets of gear at the end of the game, and everyone of the same job will almost always look the same. Only crafted gear can be dyed or have materia slotted into, which further reduces the amount of customization since most gear that you will wear at endgame will be special pieces obtained through currency. Being available on the Playstation 3, as well as the exact same as the PC version, it could be said that a MMO on a console can potentially prevent it from being developed in ways that have made other major PC MMOs great.

As long as you know the general idea behind MMOs and the class that you have chosen, there is very little difficulty until you get to the end game fights and raids. Even then, getting better gear and simply practicing the fights will allow you to beat anything. Crafting, gathering, and leveling up your character allows you to stop at any time, though doing dungeons and events with other players might not be the best for people with tight schedules. The shortest dungeons can take at minimum 30 minutes. When you get to level 50 though, the single boss fight raids only take 10 minutes if they are done in one attempt.

Until you get to the endgame raids, the game is very simple and easy, especially for veteran players. You can expect around the same amount of difficulty for new raids and boss fights as most MMOs, as in it stays challenging until you get very good gear and have done the fights many times. Harder versions of similar fights are available, and will allow people to attempt their favorite fights at a higher level. The usual achievements in MMOs exist with A Realm Reborn, but the ability to level up every class and job on one character adds a whole lot more for people to do. MMOs don’t really have a game length since there is always stuff to do and updates add new content all the time, but the amount of time spent getting to endgame is a good thing to know. Depending of course on how often you play the game, it can take 1-2 weeks to max out your character if you focus on one class or job only, and branching out into multiple classes will of course slow you down.

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn costs 30 dollars on the PC, along with 70 or 50 dollar collector’s edition depending on whether it is a physical or digital purchase. It is possible to upgrade to the collector’s edition later on if you don’t currently want to spend that much money. The collection includes physical items such as the box, art book, soundtrack, art cards, security token, and a movie. Digital in-game items that you can get with it are a cosmetic hat, a Coeurl mount, baby behemoth pet, and armor for your chocobo.

If you are only interested in having one character to play, the game only costs 13 dollars a month which is slightly less than other subscription based MMOs. It is possible to pay 15 dollars a month instead if you want to have more than one character on the same server, but with how you can accomplish everything on one character, there isn’t really a reason to pay more for this.

There are currently no additional purchases that you can make, and everything is available to all players without having to pay additional money, such as free MMOs having a cash shop.

Nightmare Creatures Revival Announced for Consoles and PC

In 1666, a cult made up of the world’s most influential players created an elixir that would grant them vast unholy powers – but something went terribly wrong, and their experiments yielded only bloodthirsty, mutant horrors. As the cult is decimated from the inside by betrayal and the creatures escape into London, a traveling priest and the daughter of a murdered immunlogist fight their way to the center of the city and defeat the evil once and for all… or so they believe.

Set before and after the events of the original games, Nightmare Creatures returns after almost 20 years – backed up by the devs and horror superfans at Albino Moose games. Join characters familiar and new as they race around the world to stop the hellish machinations of Adam Crowley, before he uncovers the secrets of the elixir and drowns the world… in Nightmare Creature

Foul Play Review

Foul Play is a theater brawler game developed by Devolver Digital. The character that you will be spending your time playing the game as is named Baron Dashforth, a top hat and cane wielding hero. You have two basic attacks, depending whether you want to attack enemies on the ground or air. As you play through the game, you will start to unlock different types of unique moves that you can employ on any level, even previous ones.

Other than your basic attacks, you will unlock unique moves every time you earn enough fame to go up a level. The main type of maneuver that you can do is the parry, which has three types of its own as well. Most enemies that appear to be starting an attack can be parried, and you can decide to either throw them, slam them on the ground, or hit them a bunch before doing one of the previous two. Other special moves include charging up your basic attacks, and the ability to grab enemies without having to parry them. Not a maneuver on its own, but when your combo bar fills up you can unleash your showstopper, which effectively doubles the combos you earn for a short period of time.

Except for the last play, most plays have 5 acts in them which are entire levels themselves. Each act is divided into multiple scenes, which all have different combinations of groups of enemies for you to defeat. There is no platforming or anything special to do in these scenes, other than beating all of the enemies that appear. Some scenes are special with challenges to complete, such as defeating the leader of a group of enemies last, or defeating everything within a certain amount of time. Depending on how well you do, there are 5 stars to earn during each act and the score you attain will rank you on the global leaderboards.

Instead of a health bar and all that you expect in games, the only way for your game to end in Foul Play is if your performance bores the audience. Getting large combos and performing unique moves is the best way to keep the audience interested, and getting hit or simply doing nothing will quickly cause the audience to get tired of you. The Mood-o-meter is your way of determining what the audience currently thinks, and it will also let you know of your point multiplier.

If you are able to complete all three challenges that exist in an act, you will unlock a charm that you can equip when you start another act. Instead of each act having a specific charm to unlock, you simply unlock the next charm that hasn’t been unlocked yet. You can only equip two charms at a time, and their bonuses can range from parries granting you a larger combo, to having your mood meter deteriorate slower from getting hit.

Each play and act within Foul Play have their own types of enemies, from the small to the large. Most small enemies just attack you in melee range and don’t do much of anything else, while some have ranged attacks that you can deflect back or even the ability to grab you. Larger enemies will sometimes appear with groups of smaller ones to back them up, and their attacks can’t be interrupted or parried very easily.

At the end of some acts, you will encounter a boss along with a bunch of smaller enemies. Bosses in general are just very large enemies with lots of health that do basic attacks, but the bosses that you encounter during the last act of a play will be more unique with their attacks.

It is possible to play Foul Play with a second player either locally or online. The character that they play as is exactly the same as yours, in terms of attacks and maneuvers. If both players activate their showstoppers at the same time, the combo bonus will become 4X instead of 2X.

The options menu is fairly basic, with volume sliders and rebindable keys. There are no graphical quality settings, just the resolution and ability make it fullscreen or windowed. Nothing is voice acted though it doesn’t need to be, and there are enough songs to not get tired of listening to the same ones over and over.

Although the environment of levels and types of enemies you fight is always changing, it still feels fairly repetitive. You will be spending most of the game beating enemies up in the same ways and using the same maneuvers over and over.

There may be challenges on each level, and earning 5 stars isn’t the easiest thing to do on every level, but the base gameplay is easy compared to everything else. The fact that you don’t have a health bar means that anyone patient enough can beat any level. The acts of each play in Foul Play don’t take very long, at most between 10-15 minutes, and it is possible to pause at anytime so anyone with a busy schedule can easily enjoy the game.

Although the base game itself is easy in general, earning 5 stars on each act and completing every challenge will be a feat that someone looking for a challenge will love. Each level having 5 stars worth of points to earn, as well as 3 challenges to accomplish, means there is a lot of content for anyone who likes to accomplish a lot in their games.

If you are only interested in playing through all the plays and acts, and not worried about any of the challenges and earning points, you should expect 5-8 hours of gameplay. Depending on how good you are, you could expect to double those hours if you want to try to accomplish everything in the game. There are of course challenges and stars to earn on each level, but even if you do all of that there is still the points themselves that you earn, which can gives you tons of replayability if you are wanting to be ranked highly on the leaderboards.

Foul Play Costs 15 dollars and if you pre-purchase it you will get the soundtrack for free, which will most likely go on sale on its own after release. At the low cost, lots of content, and tons of replayability along with the ability to play with a friend, the game is worth buying if these qualities interest you.


Middle-Earth: Shadow of War will have premium currency and loot boxes

The innovative Nemesis System created unique personal stories through procedurally-generated enemies who remember every encounter and are differentiated by their personality, strengths and weaknesses. Middle-earth: Shadow of War expands this innovation with the introduction of followers who bring about entirely new stories of loyalty, betrayal and revenge. The Nemesis System is also expanded to create a unique personal world through Nemesis fortresses, which allows players to utilize different strategies to conquer dynamic strongholds and create personalized worlds with their unique Orc army.

An important aspect of the Nemesis System now comes in forging, customizing and leading your own army of unique Orc followers against the fortresses of Mordor. There are different ways to do this, including dominating Orcs by exploring the vast open-world and encountering them as part of Orc society, or players can acquire Orcs and other items through the Market (in-game store).

Rogue Trooper Redux Launches October 17

Independent UK developer and publisher Rebellion today released a new Rogue Trooper Redux trailer comparing the game’s impressive visuals directly with those of the original 2006 game.

The new trailer also reveals the game’s launch date of 17 October 2017 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC (from Steam and The Nintendo Switch edition will release soon after.

Rogue Trooper Redux will be available digitally on all platforms and also as a boxed edition on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Priced at £19.99 / $24.99 / €24.99 and featuring a BAFTA-nominated campaign and dedicated online co-op modes, Rogue Trooper Redux will offer shooter fans incredible value, whether they’re new to the universe, or a fan of the original game and comics.

Lone Echo Launch Trailer ~ Oculus Rift + Touch

Ready At Dawn and Oculus Studios proudly present Lone Echo, a VR adventure into the unknown. Lone Echo tackles the mysteries of the universe with awe-inspiring outer space visuals, zero-G mobility, and real-time problem solving.

Immerse yourself into the unforgettable character of Jack, a Series 11 Echo Unit stationed on the Kronos II mining facility on the outer rings of Saturn and equipped with futuristic tools and capabilities that push the limits of your Touch controllers. When an unknown anomaly threatens your space station and your human companion, Captain Olivia Rhodes, you’ll leverage your technical ingenuity and futuristic tools to overcome a variety of challenges and obstacles to protect your ship and save your crew from impending danger.

And don’t miss Echo Arena, the competitive zero-G multiplayer experience from the Lone Echo universe. Lone Echo and Echo Arena are available exclusively on Oculus Rift + Touch.

Outcast: Second Contact ~ Adelpha Series Episode 3: Okasankaar

Bigben and studio Appeal have released the third episode of the “Adelpha Series” videos that invites fans to travel through the world of Outcast. Outcast: Second Contact, the remake of the legendary Outcast, will be released this autumn on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

After visiting the snow-covered lands of Ranzaar and the holy region of Shamazaar in the first episodes, now Cutter Slade sets off to explore the swampy landscapes of Okasankaar. Follow the adventures of the hero through his latest mission report.

Outcast: Second Contact is the complete remake for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC of the cult game Outcast. The first 3D open world in the history of video games and a true pioneer of the modern action-adventure genre, the original game won over 100 awards, including adventure game of the year.

Players take on the role of Cutter Slade, an elite soldier with a strong character, who has been sent to an alien planet as Earth’s last chance. Explore an awesome world that merges science and magic, explore exotic native cities, take on formidable enemies and try to uncover the secrets of an advanced civilization. Gameplay drives players to make right choices in a living world that has its own ecosystem with the fate of two universes depending on their success.

Assassin’s Creed Origins Officially Revealed

Amongst the Great Pyramids, the last pharaohs, and the myths of Ancient Egypt, the Assassin’s Brotherhood was born. As Bayek, a protector of Egypt, you’ll experience the origin story of the Brotherhood as it unfolds against the backdrop of one of history’s greatest empires, plunging you into a living world where epic battles will be fought and ancient secrets discovered.

Assassin’s Creed Origins features new action-RPG elements, which allow you to level and customize your own version of Bayek with unique gear and powerful weapons before engaging in a new combat system designed to offer more tactical freedom than ever before in the franchise. Likewise, a new quest experience gives you the opportunity to explore and uncover the mysteries of Ancient Egypt at your own pace.

In addition to the standalone game, Assassin’s Creed Origins will be available in Deluxe and Gold Editions. The Deluxe Edition includes the base game, a printed version of the hand-drawn world map, the official soundtrack, and a variety of digital content that includes the Ambush at Seas naval mission, the Desert Cobra Pack, and three bonus Ability points. The Gold Edition includes all of the Digital Deluxe Edition content as well as the Season Pass, which grants access to all upcoming expansions and equipment sets.

Assassin’s Creed Origins will be available at the launch of Xbox One X and on October 27 for Xbox One, PS4, PS4 Pro, and PC.